Challenging the extreme cold weather - OC Pepel is fully committed to the contract

Date:2018-03-21 11:24:51

Recently, a strong cold snap swept across most of Europe, continuous low temperature and heavy snow weather affected transportation and residents' daily life seriously.Some airports and train stations were closed temporarily in Italy, Sweden, Poland, Germany and other countries.

On February 26, our 30,000 ton self-unloading bulk carrier OC Pepel is heading to Gdansk in Poland, Influenced by the bad weather, deck,mooring, self-unloading and all other deck equipments were covered by thick snow and ice, like a magic on it by ice queen, the safety of the ship and sailing is facing great challenging and risks.

Cold snow and ice is fighting signal, the captain Abe Genova led the crew to clear the snow and ice on the key equipment immediately, to ensure safety of sailing and resume the unloading equipment function as soon as possible. After hours of fighting, the ship finally reached port safely and began to unload.

23:30 on March 1, LT, the port of Gdansk, Poland, the temperature is low to minus 20 ℃, the hydraulic oil pipe of the hatch cover leaked,  and the hatch cover which is opening was seized up between the 3rd and 4th tank, and maintenance personnel cannot entered in. Facing the emergency, the chief engineer Mr.Lee, instructed the crew to cut off two steel plates and climb into and repaired the pipe. Although the weather is so cold and the space is too small, the crew made all their efforts to repair all equipment till 02:30 a.m. on 2 March, the hydraulic system of hatch cover was restored.

On the afternoon of March 2, OC Pepel left the port of Gdansk. Just as we were relieved, there was a serious leakage of the cooling water pipe flange, and other two water pipe flanges and one steam flange also were leaked due to the large temperature difference inside and outside, The crew began to repair and replace flanges immediately, the cotton clothes of the crew are saturated with water, and the hands were numb with cold despite the heat preservation measures were taken.

The cold is ruthless but the people are warm-hearted. Facing an extremely cold weather, the crews always continue to fight with their fearless devotion, make the OC Pepel pass through the situation finally, and completed transportation works for charter and avoid the loss for owners.